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HelpNDoc includes a feature-packed word processor which makes you feel instantly at home: all the major strength you've come to expect from a modern document authoring application such as Microsoft Word are an integral part of HelpNDoc to make the most visually appealing help and documentation easier to create than ever. All the necessary tools needed to create great documentations are built right in HelpNDoc: the table of contents editor, WYSIWYG topic editor, keywords editor and library are some of the features provided to ease-up the process of writing amazing documentations and are an integral part of the HelpNDoc environment. HelpNDoc's user interface has been carefully designed to be clear and effective: the various tools are grouped using the popular ribbon design first introduced by Microsoft Office: contextual elements such as picture or table editing operations will only appear when needed thus greatly simplifying the overall experience.

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It's time to stop paying for overpriced and useless tools! HelpNDoc provides all the tools necessary to write complete help files and documentations - From the table of contents to the final documentation layout, everything is included in HelpNDoc.

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Add to that many powerful features such as live spell checking in a fully WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) environment and you'll begin to imagine how fast and easy it will be for you to create your next help file and how professional it will look like.

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